现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family


Introducing Porlane™: The Modern and Unconventional Radial Extruded Magazine, Poster, and Logo Design Sans Serif Typeface

Porlane™ is a condensed sans serif typeface designed to transform bold headlines with unique shapes into expressive display typography for modern applications. Featuring a single weight, it offers both readability and expressiveness in its clean and geometric forms. Its character inventory provides an easily legible system for Latin-based languages, showcasing a high x-height and tight leading.

Keywords: Sans serif, typeface, typography, display font, modern design, headlines, posters, logos

现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2现代独特径向挤压杂志海报标题logo设计无衬线英文字体安装包 Porlane Font Family_img_2



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